How do we explain:

Why the pattern of organization is addition?

Is it? What does your text say?

It's between two paragraphs

To explain why the pattern of organization is addition, we need to understand what is meant by the pattern of organization.

Pattern of organization refers to the way in which information is arranged or structured. It describes the logical order or sequence in which ideas, concepts, or components are presented. In this case, the pattern of organization being referred to is addition.

To demonstrate why the pattern of organization is addition, we can consider different scenarios or contexts where addition is applicable and demonstrates a logical order or sequence.

1. Mathematical Operations: In mathematics, addition is one of the fundamental arithmetic operations. It involves combining two or more numbers to find their sum. The pattern of organization in this context is based on the idea that adding numbers leads to an increase in quantity. For example, if we start with a number and add another number to it, the total sum reflects the result of combining or organizing those numbers through addition.

2. Sequencing or Progression: Addition can also be used to represent sequential or progressive patterns. For instance, consider a sequence of natural numbers starting from 1 (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...). In this case, each subsequent number is obtained by adding 1 to the previous number. The pattern of organization is based on adding a constant value to generate the next element in the sequence, resulting in a logical order.

3. Aggregation or Combination: Addition can be used to represent the aggregation or combination of different elements or quantities. For example, if we have multiple groups of objects and we want to determine the total number of objects, we can use addition. Each group's count is added together to obtain the overall count, reflecting the pattern of organizing individual groups into a combined whole using addition.

Overall, the pattern of organization being addition is explained by its inherent properties of combining, increasing, sequencing, and aggregating elements in a logical and systematic manner. By adding quantities together, we can organize them according to their total, sequence, or combined value.