Victoria is opening a pet store. She will start by making custom dog collars. If the collars cost her $3 each, the embellishments $2, and $0.15 per bag, what is her unit cost per collar?

3 + 2 + 0.15 = $_______


To calculate Victoria's unit cost per collar, we need to add up the costs of all the components. Let's break it down:

1. Collar cost: $3 per collar.
2. Embellishment cost: $2 per collar.
3. Bag cost: $0.15 per bag.

Now, let's calculate the total cost per collar:

Total cost per collar = Collar cost + Embellishment cost + Bag cost

Total cost per collar = $3 + $2 + $0.15

Total cost per collar = $5.15

Therefore, Victoria's unit cost per collar is $5.15.