In the school election, votes were cast for Sam, Mary, and Bill in the ratio of 4:3:2.

If a total of 2,178 votes were cast, how many votes did Mary receive?

S = 4 x

M = 3 x
B = 2 x

total = 9 x = 2178
x = 242
M = 3 x = 726

To find the number of votes Mary received, we first need to determine the value of each unit in the ratio.

Add up the parts of the ratio, 4 + 3 + 2 = 9.

Next, divide the total number of votes cast, 2,178, by the total number of units in the ratio, which is 9.

2,178 ÷ 9 = 242.

Each unit in the ratio represents 242 votes.

Since Mary's part in the ratio is 3, we can multiply 3 by the value of each unit to find the number of votes Mary received.

3 × 242 = 726.

Therefore, Mary received 726 votes in the election.