can you please show me how to graph 6y+5x=-18

I know the x-intercept is (-18/5,0) and the y-intercept is (0,-3)

You pot the dots on the graph and you connect it to form a line since its a linear equation


you have the intercepts. Plot those two points and draw a line through them. That is the graph.

Sure! To graph the equation 6y + 5x = -18, we need to find two points on the graph and then connect them.

Let's start with the x-intercept. The x-intercept occurs when y = 0. So, substitute y = 0 into the equation and solve for x:

6(0) + 5x = -18
0 + 5x = -18
5x = -18
x = -18/5

Therefore, the x-intercept is (-18/5, 0).

Next, let's find the y-intercept. The y-intercept occurs when x = 0. So, substitute x = 0 into the equation and solve for y:

6y + 5(0) = -18
6y + 0 = -18
6y = -18
y = -18/6
y = -3

Therefore, the y-intercept is (0, -3).

Now, plot these two points on a coordinate plane. Place a point at (-18/5, 0) and another point at (0, -3). Finally, draw a straight line passing through these two points. This line represents the graph of the equation 6y + 5x = -18.

Remember, you can always check your answer by substituting other points into the equation to see if they satisfy it.