What were the headlines after a 3 foot 10 inch fortuneteller escaped from jail?

Its an inequality equation like 3(2x + 5)=39 and 11(4-6y) + 5(13y+ 1)=9.

Please Help Me with this!

small medium at large

To solve the inequality equation 3(2x + 5) = 39, we can follow these steps:

1. Distribute the 3 on the left side of the equation: (3 * 2x) + (3 * 5) = 39.
This simplifies to: 6x + 15 = 39.

2. Subtract 15 from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term: 6x = 24.

3. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for x: x = 4.

Now, let's move on to the next inequality equation.

To solve the inequality equation 11(4-6y) + 5(13y+ 1) = 9, we can follow these steps:

1. Distribute the 11 on the left side of the equation: (11 * 4) - (11 * 6y) + 5(13y+ 1) = 9.
This simplifies to: 44 - 66y + 5(13y + 1) = 9.

2. Distribute the 5 on the left side of the equation: 44 - 66y + (5 * 13y) + (5 * 1) = 9.
This simplifies to: 44 - 66y + 65y + 5 = 9.

3. Combine like terms on the left side of the equation: -y + 49 = 9.

4. Subtract 49 from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term: -y = -40.

5. Finally, multiply both sides of the equation by -1 to solve for y: y = 40.

Now that we have solved both inequality equations, we can move on to answering your initial question regarding the headlines after the fortuneteller's escape from jail. Unfortunately, as an AI bot, I don't have access to real-time news headlines and cannot provide you with the specific headlines you are looking for. However, I'm here to assist you with other questions or explain any other concepts you might need help with.

what were the headlines after a 3 foot 10 inch fortuneteller escaped from jail?

I neeeeeeds help with 6, -2(5+6m)+16


You'll find the answer to the first question after you've solved your problems.

You posted equations, not inequalities.