A person went shopping and spent 5/8 of his money in the first store and then spent 1/5 of the remainder in the second store. If he spent $60 in the second store, how much did he have at the start and how much did he have left?

I got a 240 but I am confused as to what it means and if it's correct(???) Thank you for your help.

If he started with $x, then

(1/5)(3/8 x) = 60
x = 800

After the spending he had left
800(1 - 5/8 - (1/5)(3/8)) = 240

why do you ask what it means? You presumably are calculating how much was left at the end.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Find the amount spent in the first store.
The person spent 5/8 of their money in the first store. Let's call the total amount of money they had at the start "x." Therefore, the amount spent in the first store can be represented as (5/8) * x = (5x/8).

Step 2: Find the amount left after the first store.
The amount left can be calculated by subtracting the amount spent in the first store from the total amount at the start. So, the amount left can be represented as x - (5x/8) = (8x/8) - (5x/8) = (3x/8).

Step 3: Find the amount spent in the second store.
The person spent 1/5 of the remainder (3x/8) in the second store, and it is given that this amount is $60. Therefore, we can write the equation: (1/5) * (3x/8) = $60.

Step 4: Solve the equation to find the total amount at the start (x) and the amount left ((3x/8)).
To solve the equation, we need to isolate x on one side. Let's simplify the equation:
(1/5) * (3x/8) = $60
(3x/40) = $60
3x = $60 * 40
3x = $2400
Now, divide both sides by 3 to solve for x:
x = $2400 / 3
x = $800

Therefore, the person had $800 at the start and $240 (3x/8) left after shopping.