What was so significant about the space race? and why is it still significant and important currently today as of 2016?

The space race refers to the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to achieve significant milestones in space exploration, particularly in their efforts to be the first to launch a human into space and to land a man on the moon. The space race was significant for several reasons:

1. Technological advancement: The space race spurred rapid technological advancements in various fields, such as rocketry, materials science, computer technology, and telecommunications. These advancements led to the development of various technologies that have practical applications in our daily lives, including satellite communications, GPS, and weather forecasting systems.

2. National prestige and competition: The space race served as a symbol of national prestige and power during the Cold War era. Both the United States and the Soviet Union sought to demonstrate their scientific and technological superiority to the world, showcasing their capabilities and achievements through space exploration.

3. Scientific discovery: The space race greatly expanded our scientific knowledge about the universe and our own planet. Space missions have allowed us to study celestial bodies, conduct experiments in microgravity, and increase understanding of Earth's climate and natural resources.

4. Inspiration and curiosity: The space race captivated the world's attention and fueled humanity's curiosity about the vastness of space. It inspired generations of scientists, engineers, and astronauts, encouraging the pursuit of careers in STEM fields and fostering innovation and discovery.

As for why the space race is still significant and important today, even in 2016:

1. Continued exploration and discovery: Space exploration is an ongoing endeavor, and there is still much to learn and discover. Missions to Mars, the study of exoplanets, and the search for extraterrestrial life are just a few examples of current areas of focus in space exploration.

2. Technological advancements: The pursuit of space exploration continues to drive technological advancements that have practical applications in various industries and sectors. Technologies like satellite communications, remote sensing, and spacecraft propulsion systems have revolutionized sectors such as telecommunications, navigation, and climate monitoring.

3. International collaboration: Space exploration has become a collaborative effort among multiple nations, fostering international cooperation and diplomacy. In the current era, space agencies and countries work together on projects like the International Space Station (ISS) to conduct research and advance scientific understanding.

4. Inspiring future generations: Exploring space continues to captivate the imagination and inspire curiosity in people, especially the younger generation. It serves as a reminder of what can be achieved through ambitious scientific and technological endeavors, encouraging younger individuals to pursue careers in STEM fields and promoting innovation and progress.

Overall, the space race was significant at the time for the technological advancements and national prestige it fueled. Today, space exploration continues to be important due to the continued pursuit of scientific discovery, technological advancements, international collaboration, and inspiring future generations.