Jordan travels X of a mile longer to school each day than Harrison does. combined they travel 5 1/4 miles to school how far does each travel.

To find out how far each travels to school, we can set up a mathematical equation based on the information given.

Let's assume that Harrison travels "H" miles to school. According to the given information, Jordan travels X miles longer than Harrison, so Jordan's distance can be represented as "H + X" miles.

The total distance traveled by both of them is given as 5 1/4 miles, which can also be expressed as 5 + 1/4 miles. We can convert the mixed number into an improper fraction to make it easier to work with: 5 + 1/4 = 20/4 + 1/4 = 21/4 miles.

Now, we can set up the equation:
H + (H + X) = 21/4

Combining like terms, we get:
2H + X = 21/4

Since we have two variables in this equation, we need another equation to solve for them. However, there is no additional information given. Therefore, we cannot determine the specific values for H and X based on the given information.

To find the individual distances, we need additional information.

See your later post.