Which of the following is something you should do after severe weather occurs?

- clean up flood waters ***
- stay away from windows
- create a family safety plan
- invite friends to see the damage

It is asking for after a storm has started, not when it ended so, it's stay away from the windows.

I've seen a lot of severe weather and have never had flooding.

Would it be stay away from windows?

It's hard to say, because a few of these answers could potentially be correct. It depends on what your teacher has been teaching you during class, but I think that the most logical answer is "create a family safety plan".

Are you sure it's not one of those? Creating a family plan would have to be before, not after. And to invite friends to see the damage would not make sense either because there's a chance they cant leave their house.

True, but I think the answer that makes the most sense is "create a family safety plan". Even though the storm would be over, this could still be helpful. It's always best to consult your family before making independent desicion a that may compromise your safety, especially when after-effects from the storm may still be present.

okay, thanks for your help! (:

Sure! No problem👻

After severe weather occurs, one of the important things you should do is to clean up flood waters if they have affected your area. This is crucial because flood waters can cause damage to your property and pose health risks. To clean up flood waters, you should follow these steps:

1. Ensure your safety: Before starting the cleaning process, make sure you are wearing protective gear such as rubber gloves, boots, and a mask to prevent any contact with contaminated water or harmful substances.

2. Remove standing water: Use a pump, a wet vacuum, or buckets to remove the standing water from your property. Start from the lowest point and work your way towards an exit.

3. Dispose of damaged items: Discard any items that have been extensively damaged by the floodwaters and cannot be salvaged. This includes furniture, carpets, and other porous materials that may harbor mold or bacteria.

4. Clean and disinfect surfaces: Thoroughly clean all affected surfaces with a mixture of mild detergent and water. Pay special attention to areas that have come into contact with flood waters, such as walls, floors, and appliances. After cleaning, use a disinfectant to kill any remaining bacteria or contaminants.

5. Dry out the affected area: Use fans and dehumidifiers to help dry out the area. Properly ventilate the space by opening windows and doors, if safe to do so. This will help prevent mold growth and further damage.

6. Seek professional help if needed: If the severity of the flood damage is beyond your capability to handle, it is recommended to contact professional cleaning and restoration services. They have specialized equipment and expertise to deal with extensive water damage.

Remember, safety should be your top priority after severe weather, so be cautious and always consult local authorities or disaster management organizations for guidance and support.

No. That's unnecessary after the storm.

I've checked two of your answers. Now you're on your own.