The formula

F=(9/5)C+ 32
F=95C+32 may be used to convert Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit temperatures.

What is the range of Celsius temperatures if the Fahrenheit range is -65°F to 60°F.

-65 <= F <= 60

-65 <= 9/5 C + 32 <= 60
-97 <= 9/5 C <= 28
-53.89 <= C <= 15.56

To determine the range of Celsius temperatures corresponding to the given Fahrenheit range, we need to rearrange the formula to solve for C.

The formula F = (9/5)C + 32 can be rewritten as:

(9/5)C = F - 32

To isolate C, we divide both sides of the equation by (9/5):

C = (F - 32) * (5/9)

Now, we substitute the given Fahrenheit values into the formula to calculate the corresponding Celsius temperatures.

For the lower end of the range, -65°F:
C = (-65 - 32) * (5/9)
C = (-97) * (5/9)
C ≈ -54.4°C

For the upper end of the range, 60°F:
C = (60 - 32) * (5/9)
C = 28 * (5/9)
C ≈ 15.6°C

Therefore, the range of Celsius temperatures corresponding to the Fahrenheit range of -65°F to 60°F is approximately -54.4°C to 15.6°C.

To find the range of Celsius temperatures corresponding to a Fahrenheit range, you need to convert the given Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius using the formula:

F = (9/5)C + 32

Let's start by finding the Celsius temperature corresponding to -65°F:

-65 = (9/5)C + 32 (Substitute -65 for F in the formula)

Now, let's solve for C:

-65 - 32 = (9/5)C
-97 = (9/5)C

To isolate C, multiply both sides of the equation by (5/9):

(-97)(5/9) = C
-485/9 ≈ -53.89

So, the Celsius temperature corresponding to -65°F is approximately -53.89°C.

Now, let's find the Celsius temperature corresponding to 60°F:

60 = (9/5)C + 32 (Substitute 60 for F in the formula)

Again, let's solve for C:

60 - 32 = (9/5)C
28 = (9/5)C

To isolate C, multiply both sides of the equation by (5/9):

(28)(5/9) = C
140/9 ≈ 15.56

So, the Celsius temperature corresponding to 60°F is approximately 15.56°C.

Therefore, the range of Celsius temperatures corresponding to the given Fahrenheit range (-65°F to 60°F) is approximately -53.89°C to 15.56°C.