what is volume, if base area 56 in2, height 6 in


336 in


Base Γ‘rea 56 in2, Height 6 in.


To find the volume, we need to multiply the base area by the height.

Given that the base area is 56 inΒ² and the height is 6 in, we can use the formula:

Volume = Base Area * Height

Plug in the values we have:

Volume = 56 inΒ² * 6 in

To calculate this, simply multiply 56 by 6:

Volume = 336 inΒ³

Therefore, the volume of the object is 336 cubic inches.

It would be 56+56+6 correct? Which equal 118

56 * 6 = ?

Base area 56 in2, height 6 in

56x 6