"Jocelyn has 6 birds, their mean age is 10. The mode of their ages is 8. What might their ages be." I need to figure out all 6 birds' ages, but how would I be able to find the answer?

total ages = 60

Generally, if the mode is 8 would mean there are more than one age of 8
suppose there are two with age 8,
leaving 44 for the other 4
(11 for the average of the remaining 4)

could have 9 and 13, and 8 and 14

so we could have:

or we could have:

check:of the 1st answer
mean = (8+8+8+9+13+14)/6 = 10
the mode is 8

you check the 2nd case

You could have 8,8,8,9,13,14 that’s what I got

you could add up 8,8,8,9,13,14 and that would be 60 so the answer i got was 60

u would get 60 but then u would have to divide it by 6 so then u would get 10

8,8,18,6,11,9 could work


To find the ages of Jocelyn's six birds, we need to consider the information given: the mean age is 10 and the mode is 8.

1. Mean age: The mean age is the sum of all ages divided by the number of birds. In this case, the mean age is 10. So, the sum of all ages is 6 birds * 10 years = 60 years.

2. Mode: The mode is the value that appears most frequently, which in this case is 8.

Now, to find the ages of the birds, we can start by assuming that five birds are 8 years old (mode) and one bird is 20 years old so that their sum is 60 (mean).

Let's check if this assumption works:
- Bird 1: 8 years old
- Bird 2: 8 years old
- Bird 3: 8 years old
- Bird 4: 8 years old
- Bird 5: 8 years old
- Bird 6: 20 years old

If we add up these ages, we get: 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 20 = 60

So, the ages of Jocelyn's six birds could be: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, and 20.


2 and 8