Which of the following is found in the cavities of bone?

A. Periostreum
B. Endostreum
C. Bone marrow
D. Fibrous tissue

fibrous tissue

It is C.

Bone Marrow

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the different structures found in bone cavities.

The cavities in bone are typically spaces within the bone structure that serve various functions. One important structure found in bone cavities is bone marrow.

Bone marrow is a soft, spongy tissue found in the center of some bones. It can be categorized into two types: red marrow and yellow marrow. Red marrow is responsible for producing blood cells, while yellow marrow is primarily composed of fat cells. Both types of marrow play crucial roles in supporting the body's immune system and blood cell production.

Based on this information, the correct answer to the question is C. Bone marrow. It is found in the cavities of bones.