A rectangular room is 2m longer than it is wide.if the width of the room is wm, express its length in terms of w.hence find the width of the room


Divide both sides by the coefficient of w

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To express the length of the room in terms of its width, we need to add the given length to the width.

Let's represent the width of the room as w.

According to the given information, the length of the room is 2 meters longer than its width. So, we can express the length as w + 2.

To find the width of the room, we need to solve for w in the expression w + 2 = wm.

Rearranging the equation by subtracting w from both sides, we get:

2 = wm - w

Factoring out w on the right side, we have:

2 = w(m - 1)

Now, to solve for w, we can divide both sides of the equation by (m - 1):

2 / (m - 1) = w

So, the width of the room is 2 / (m - 1) meters.

To find the length of the room, we can substitute the value of w + 2 into the expression we derived earlier.

Length = w + 2 = 2 / (m - 1) + 2 = 2 / (m - 1) + 2(m - 1) / (m - 1) = (2 + 2(m - 1)) / (m - 1) = (2 + 2m - 2) / (m - 1) = 2m / (m - 1)

So, the length of the room in terms of its width is 2m / (m - 1).

length = w+2

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