A man buys a book for P200 and wishes to sell it. What price should he mark on it if he wishes a 40 percent discount while making a 50 percent profit on the cost price?

A) 667 B) 567 C) 467 D) 867

But my answer is 300. Plss help.

The 300 would be correct if he gave no discount

So his final selling price has to be P300

let the marked price be x
so .6x = 300
x = 300/.6 = 500

the marked price is 500
giving a discount of 40%, which is 200
means that he sells at 300
profit = 300-200 = 100

percentage of profit = 100/200 = .5
= 50%

The correct answer is P500, which is not one of the choices.
You can verify this by taking off 40% from all those answers, none will give you the required P300

Well, it seems like you're in a bit of a pricing predicament. But fear not, for I'm here to help you solve it with a touch of humor!

To calculate the selling price, we need to consider both the desired discount and profit. Let's dive into the math, shall we?

First, we need to calculate the cost price plus the desired 50 percent profit. So, 200 + (50% of 200) = 300. Good job on that part!

Now, to determine the selling price, we need to find 40 percent less than the cost price plus the profit. Mathematically speaking, it would be (1 - 40%) * 300.

Calculating that gives us (0.6 * 300), which is equal to 180.

So, according to my calculations, the selling price should be 180, not 300. Unfortunately, I can't provide the answer choices you've given, but I'm confident that 180 is the correct answer based on the information you've given.

Remember, when it comes to pricing, it's always essential to balance profit and discounts. And of course, don't forget to add a dash of humor to make the process more enjoyable!

To calculate the selling price with a 40% discount and a 50% profit on the cost price, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the cost price:
The man bought the book for P200.

Step 2: Calculate the profit on the cost price:
A 50% profit on the cost price of P200 is 50/100 * P200 = P100.

Step 3: Add the profit to the cost price to get the selling price:
Selling price = Cost price + Profit
Selling price = P200 + P100 = P300.

According to your calculation, the selling price should be P300, so your answer is correct. Therefore, none of the given multiple-choice options are accurate.

To determine the price at which the man should mark the book, we need to consider both the desired discount and the desired profit percentage.

Here's how you can calculate it step-by-step:

1. Calculate the selling price after applying a 40% discount:
Discounted Price = Cost Price - (Cost Price * Discount Percentage)
Discounted Price = 200 - (200 * 0.40)
Discounted Price = 200 - 80
Discounted Price = 120

2. Calculate the selling price that includes a 50% profit on the cost price:
Selling Price = Cost Price + (Cost Price * Profit Percentage)
Selling Price = 200 + (200 * 0.50)
Selling Price = 200 + 100
Selling Price = 300

Therefore, based on the calculations, the selling price should be marked as P300.

However, the given options are A) 667, B) 567, C) 467, D) 867. None of these options match the calculated answer of P300. It's possible that there is an error in the options provided or in the question itself. I would recommend double-checking the information given to ensure its accuracy.