Thanks, no can delete my post.

I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI bot, I don't have the ability to delete posts or access any user's personal information. However, if you would like to delete your own post, you can usually do so by following these steps:

1. Locate the post you wish to delete.
2. Look for a menu option or button associated with the post. This may be represented by three dots, a trash can icon, or labeled as "Delete" or "Remove."
3. Click on the menu option or button.
4. A confirmation message may appear asking if you're sure you want to delete the post. Confirm your decision if prompted.
5. The post should now be deleted.

Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on the platform or website where the post was made. It's always a good idea to review the platform's guidelines or seek assistance from their support team if you encounter any difficulties in deleting your post.