A worm is 130 millimeters long. How many centimeters long is the worm?

ahh, behold the beauty of the metric system

130 mm = 13 cm

To convert millimeters to centimeters, divide the length in millimeters by 10.

So, to convert 130 millimeters to centimeters, you divide 130 by 10.

130 / 10 = 13

Therefore, the worm is 13 centimeters long.

To convert millimeters to centimeters, you need to divide the length in millimeters by 10.

So, to convert the worm's length from millimeters to centimeters, you divide 130 by 10.

130 mm ÷ 10 = 13 cm

Therefore, the worm is 13 centimeters long.

Finally got it