A web-site asks users to create a 5-symbol PIN code where first and second symbols are any letters from the English alphabet and next 3 symbols are any digits. How many different PIN codes can be created?

assuming that numbers and letters can be repeated ...

number of cases
= 26x10x10x10x26

To find out how many different PIN codes can be created, we need to determine the number of possibilities for each position.

For the first symbol, any letter from the English alphabet can be used. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, so there are 26 possibilities for the first symbol.

For the second symbol, any letter from the English alphabet can be used. Since the first symbol can be any letter, there are still 26 possibilities for the second symbol.

For the next three symbols, any digit can be used. There are 10 digits (0-9), so there are 10 possibilities for each of the next three symbols.

To find the total number of PIN codes that can be created, we multiply the number of possibilities for each symbol position:

Total number of PIN codes = number of possibilities for first symbol * number of possibilities for second symbol * number of possibilities for third symbol * number of possibilities for fourth symbol * number of possibilities for fifth symbol

Total number of PIN codes = 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 * 10 = 676,000 different PIN codes can be created.

To calculate the number of different PIN codes that can be created, we need to determine the number of possibilities for each position in the code.

In the given scenario, the first symbol can be any letter from the English alphabet. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, so there are 26 possibilities for the first symbol.

Similarly, the second symbol can also be any letter from the English alphabet, so there are 26 possibilities for this position as well.

The next three symbols are digits, which range from 0 to 9. Therefore, there are 10 possibilities for each of the next three symbols.

To calculate the total number of different PIN codes, we need to multiply the number of possibilities for each position together.

Total number of PIN codes = Number of possibilities for first symbol * Number of possibilities for second symbol * Number of possibilities for third symbol * Number of possibilities for fourth symbol * Number of possibilities for fifth symbol

Total number of PIN codes = 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 * 10

Calculating this expression gives us:

Total number of PIN codes = 676,000

So, there are 676,000 different PIN codes that can be created following the given criteria.