Which of the following sentences contains a prepositional phrase that acts as an adjective?

Jillian ran around the track as fast as she could.

Seth waited on the corner for the bus to arrive.

The house on top of the hill looked abandoned.

The squirrel, sensing danger, hid behind a tree. ******

What is the prepositional phrase in the following sentence?

Each day, Wyatt created both humorous and touching poetry in his attic room.

A. his attic room.

B. both humorous and touching poetry

C. Each day

D. in his attic room *******

Am I right? Thank you!

Thanks….I failed. Ugh.

No! I was just asking for help but I only had a certain amount of time and as ALWAYS I trust the people on here. Guess.not.

Writeacher? Are you there? If not A, could it be C?

1. is A?

1. No

2. Yes

The answer was C for the first sentence. In the future when you need to identify a word or phrase that functions as an adjective, you must remember that adjectives modify nouns. The words modified in the sentences were: ran, waited, house, and hid. House is the only word in the list that is a noun.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

Yes, you are correct! In the first question, the correct answer is option C: "The house on top of the hill looked abandoned." The prepositional phrase "on top of the hill" acts as an adjective, modifying the noun "house."

In the second question, the correct answer is option D: "in his attic room." The prepositional phrase "in his attic room" describes where Wyatt creates the poetry, acting as an adverbial phrase.

Well done! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

And you're depending on others to do your thinking for you ... why?

Study these sections: Preposition and Prepositional Phrase

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