An employee currently earning $13.85 per hour has been awarded a 3.5 percent merit raise. what will the employee's hourly salary be with is increase.

13.85 * 1.035 = _______ per hour

To calculate the employee's new hourly salary with the merit raise, you need to apply the percentage increase to the current salary. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the percentage increase to a decimal. In this case, the merit raise is 3.5 percent, so you divide it by 100 to get 0.035.

Step 2: Multiply the current salary by the decimal value of the percentage increase. In this case, you multiply $13.85 by 0.035.

$13.85 x 0.035 = $0.48575

Step 3: Add the result from step 2 to the current salary to determine the new hourly salary.

$13.85 + $0.48575 = $14.33575

Rounding the new salary to two decimal places (since it's a monetary value), the employee's new hourly salary after the merit raise will be approximately $14.34.