The U-Drive Rent-A-Truck company plans to spend $8 million on 280 vehicles. Each commercial van will cost $25,000, each small truck $30,000, and each large truck $40,000. Past experience shows that they need twice as many vans as small trucks. How many of each type of vehicle can they buy?'

Let's assign variables to each type of vehicle:

Let V = number of vans
Let S = number of small trucks
Let L = number of large trucks

According to the given information, we have the following equations:

1. V + S + L = 280 (Total number of vehicles should equal 280)
2. V = 2S (Twice as many vans as small trucks)
3. $25,000V + $30,000S + $40,000L = $8,000,000 (Total cost of vehicles should equal $8 million)

To solve this system of equations, we can use a combination of substitution and solving for variables.

Let's start with equation 2 and substitute V in equation 1:

2S + S + L = 280
3S + L = 280 (Equation A)

Substituting V in equation 3:

$25,000(2S) + $30,000S + $40,000L = $8,000,000
$50,000S + $30,000S + $40,000L = $8,000,000
$80,000S + $40,000L = $8,000,000 (Equation B)

Now, let's express equation A in terms of L:

L = 280 - 3S

Substitute this value of L in equation B:

$80,000S + $40,000(280 - 3S) = $8,000,000
$80,000S + $40,000(280) - $120,000S = $8,000,000
$200,000S = $8,000,000 - $40,000(280)
$200,000S = $8,000,000 - $11,200,000
$200,000S = -$3,200,000
S = -($3,200,000 / $200,000)
S = -16

Since the number of vehicles cannot be negative, we can conclude that there is no solution within the given constraints.

To determine the number of each type of vehicle that the U-Drive Rent-A-Truck company can buy, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the following variables:
V = Number of commercial vans
S = Number of small trucks
L = Number of large trucks

According to the given information:
1. The company plans to spend $8 million on vehicles. The total cost (C) can be calculated as:
C = 25000V + 30000S + 40000L

2. The company plans to buy a total of 280 vehicles:
V + S + L = 280

3. The company needs twice as many vans as small trucks:
V = 2S

Now we can solve this system of equations to find the values of V, S, and L.

Substitute equation 3 into the equation 2:
2S + S + L = 280
3S + L = 280 ----(4)

Substitute equations 3 and 4 into the equation 1 to find the total cost (C):
C = 25000(2S) + 30000S + 40000L
C = 50000S + 30000S + 40000L
C = 80000S + 40000L ----(5)

Now we have two equations: equation 3 and equation 5:
80000S + 40000L = 8,000,000 ----(6)
3S + L = 280 ----(7)

By solving equations 6 and 7 simultaneously, we can find the values of S (small trucks) and L (large trucks).

number of small trucks --- x

number of vans ----- 2x
number of large trucks = 280 - 3x

30,000x + 25,000(2x) + 40,000(280-3x) = 8,000,000
divide by 5000
6x + 10x + 8(280-x) = 1600

carry on