Today Enrique read 4/3 of the pages he read yesterday. Did he read more or less pages than he read yesterday?

Evie, all your questions are the same

if the numerator is bigger than the denominator, the fraction is bigger than one

4/3 is bigger than one

Ok, Thank you, Damon, I appreciate your assistance!

To determine if Enrique read more or less pages than yesterday, we need to compare the fraction of pages he read today to the fraction of pages he read yesterday.

Given that Enrique read 4/3 of the pages he read yesterday, we can compare this value to 1 (the total number of pages read yesterday).

To do this, we can rewrite the fraction 4/3 as an improper fraction: 4/3 = (1 + 1/3).

So, Enrique read 1 whole page plus 1/3 of a page today.

Comparing this to yesterday, where he read 1 whole page, we can conclude that he read less pages today compared to yesterday.