How do I diagram this Sentence??

Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day

Here are several sites with worksheets on how to diagram sentences. This one is compound/complex with several clauses and phrases, so be sure to pay attention to sentences with more than two verbs, etc., and compound/complex sentences:

To diagram this sentence, we can break it down into smaller parts and analyze the structure. Here is the diagram for your sentence:

Sit still, my daughter
until thou know how the matter
will fall:
--------> the man will not be in rest
until have finished
---> the thing this day
Then said she,

Let's go through the steps of how to create this diagram:

1. Identify the main subject and main verb: In this sentence, the main subject is "the man" and the main verb is "will not be in rest."

2. Break down the sentence into phrases and clauses: Identify the dependent (subordinate) clauses and independent clauses. In this sentence, the dependent clause is "until he have finished the thing this day," and the independent clause is "the man will not be in rest."

3. Determine the relationships between the clauses: In this case, the dependent clause "until he have finished the thing this day" modifies the independent clause "the man will not be in rest." It explains the condition or reason for the man's lack of rest.

4. Identify any additional phrases or modifiers: In this sentence, we have the phrase "Then said she" at the beginning, and the imperative phrase "Sit still, my daughter" separates the two clauses.

Remember that sentence diagramming can vary depending on the specific grammar system you are following, so the structure may look slightly different based on the method you are using.