Three villages share water from a water tank.The tank holds 3,600 gals of water. The villages used the following ratio 2:3:4. how many gallons does village b use? how many gallons does a and c use together? wahat is the difference on the amount used by c and b?

To find the number of gallons village B uses, you need to determine the amount of water each village gets based on the given ratio.

Step 1: Calculate the total parts in the ratio.
The total parts in the ratio are 2 + 3 + 4 = 9.

Step 2: Calculate the fraction of the total water that each village gets.
Village B gets 3 parts out of 9, so its fraction is 3/9.

Step 3: Calculate the number of gallons village B uses.
Multiply the fraction by the total amount of water in the tank.
3/9 * 3,600 gallons = 1,200 gallons.

Therefore, village B uses 1,200 gallons of water.

To find the total amount of water used by villages A and C together, you can follow a similar process.

Step 1: Calculate the fraction of the total water that each village gets.
Village A gets 2 parts out of 9, so its fraction is 2/9.
Village C gets 4 parts out of 9, so its fraction is 4/9.

Step 2: Calculate the total amount of water used by villages A and C together.
Add the fractions for villages A and C and multiply it by the total amount of water in the tank.
(2/9 + 4/9) * 3,600 gallons = 6/9 * 3,600 gallons = 2,400 gallons.

Therefore, villages A and C use a total of 2,400 gallons together.

To find the difference in the amount of water used by village C and village B, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of water used by village C.
Village C uses 4 parts out of 9, so its fraction is 4/9.
Multiply the fraction by the total amount of water in the tank.
4/9 * 3,600 gallons = 1,600 gallons.

Step 2: Calculate the difference between the water used by village C and village B.
Difference = Village C - Village B
Difference = 1,600 gallons - 1,200 gallons = 400 gallons.

Therefore, village C uses 400 gallons more than village B.