Ayodeji made a profit of 28percent on an article he bought for 3600.00 . how much did he sell the article?

1.28 * 3600 = ?

To calculate the selling price of the article, we need to first find the profit amount.

Step 1: Convert the profit percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

28% / 100 = 0.28

Step 2: Multiply the cost price by the profit percentage to find the profit amount:

Profit amount = 0.28 * $3600.00 = $1008.00

Step 3: Add the profit amount to the cost price to find the selling price:

Selling price = Cost price + Profit amount

Selling price = $3600.00 + $1008.00 = $4608.00

Therefore, Ayodeji sold the article for $4608.00.

To find out how much Ayodeji sold the article for, we need to calculate the 28% profit on the cost price of the article.

Step 1: Calculate the profit amount
Profit = 28% of 3600.00

To calculate the profit amount, we multiply the cost price by the percentage profit, which can be found by dividing the percentage by 100:
Profit Amount = (28 / 100) * 3600.00

Step 2: Calculate the selling price
Selling Price = Cost Price + Profit Amount

Now we can calculate the selling price:
Selling Price = 3600.00 + Profit Amount

Let's calculate the profit amount and final selling price:

Profit Amount = (28 / 100) * 3600.00
Profit Amount = 1008.00

Selling Price = 3600.00 + 1008.00
Selling Price = 4608.00

Therefore, Ayodeji sold the article for 4608.00 dollars.