A college student is generally expected to do all of the following except?

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To answer this question, we need to understand what is expected of a college student. Generally, college students are expected to engage in academic pursuits, demonstrate responsibility, and develop important life skills. Let's explore each option to identify which one is not typically expected of a college student.

1. Attend classes: This is generally expected of college students. Attending classes is an essential part of the learning process and helps students grasp important concepts and engage in discussions.

2. Submit assignments: College students are expected to complete and submit assignments on time. This helps them demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter and develop good time management skills.

3. Maintain a social life: While college is an opportunity to make new friends and build a social network, it is not the primary expectation of a college student. The main focus is academic success and personal growth.

4. Work full-time: College students are not typically expected to work full-time jobs while pursuing their education. However, some students may choose to have part-time employment to gain work experience or support their financial needs.

Given this information, the option that a college student is generally not expected to do is "3. Maintain a social life." While socializing and building relationships are important aspects of college life, it is not the primary expectation placed on students.