4.)Which of the following best describes the contributions of charles loring brace?

A.)Was more widespread but less significant for American society

B.)Was more widespread & had greater effects on american society

C.)Was mostly a Southern event & had greater effects on American society

D.)Was mostly a western event & had greater effects on american society

What are you comparing here? "More" widespread? "Greater" effects?

To determine the best answer, it is important to know who Charles Loring Brace is and what his contributions were to American society.

1. Start by researching Charles Loring Brace. He was a 19th-century American social reformer and philanthropist.
2. Next, find information on Brace's contributions to American society. Brace is best known for his work in founding the Children's Aid Society, which aimed to address the social issues faced by poor and orphaned children in urban areas.
3. Evaluate the impact of Brace's contributions. Consider whether his work had more widespread effects and if those effects were significant for American society.
4. Consider the geographical scope of Brace's contributions. Determine if his work was primarily focused in the South or the West.
5. Compare the options given and select the one that best aligns with the research conducted.

Based on the research, the best answer seems to be B.) Was more widespread and had greater effects on American society. Brace's founding of the Children's Aid Society had a significant impact on American society, particularly in addressing the needs of poor and orphaned children in urban areas. The effects of his work were also quite widespread, extending beyond a specific region of the country.