2.)Which of the following best describes the contributions of Samuel Howe?

A.)He researched blindness and helped increase the printing of Braille materials.***

B.)He helped develop American Sign Language in an effort to educate deaf children.

C.)He brought the issue of mental illness and its effects to the government's attention.

D.)His work inspired the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act


Yes, A.

Yes, the correct answer is A) He researched blindness and helped increase the printing of Braille materials.

To arrive at this answer, you could have conducted a quick search using any search engine. Using relevant keywords such as "Samuel Howe contributions," "Samuel Howe and blindness," or "Samuel Howe and Braille," would have provided you with information about his achievements.

Samuel Howe was indeed a prominent figure in the field of blindness. He devoted his life to the education and welfare of the blind. He researched and developed methods for the education and integration of blind individuals into society.

One of his significant contributions was his work to increase the availability of Braille materials. He recognized the importance of Braille as a reading and writing system for the blind and advocated for its widespread adoption. Through his efforts, the printing of Braille materials expanded, making it more accessible for visually impaired individuals to access educational resources.

Therefore, option A) accurately describes Samuel Howe's contributions.