1. I am bored with the lecture.

2. I am bored by the lecture.
3. I am bored at the lecture.
4. I am bored about the lecture.
Which prepositions do we have to use? Can we use all the prepositions? Which preposition is commonly used?

5. The lecture is boring to me.
6. The game is boring for me.
(In these sentences, do we have to use 'to' or 'for'?)

1, 2, 5, and 6 are fine.

3 and 4 would not be used.


1. "I am bored with the lecture." - In this sentence, the preposition "with" is commonly used to indicate that you are experiencing boredom in relation to the lecture.

2. "I am bored by the lecture." - In this sentence, the preposition "by" is also used to indicate that the lecture is causing you to feel bored. It suggests a sense of the lecture being the cause of your boredom.

3. "I am bored at the lecture." - While this sentence is grammatically correct, it may not be commonly used. It suggests that you are feeling bored while being physically present at the lecture.

4. "I am bored about the lecture." - This sentence is grammatically correct, but it is less commonly used. It implies that you are bored with or have a lack of interest in the topic or content of the lecture.

Regarding sentences 5 and 6, both can be correct depending on the context:

5. "The lecture is boring to me." - Here, "to" is used to express that the lecture is causing you to feel bored.

6. "The game is boring for me." - "For" is used to convey that you personally find the game boring. It suggests that you have a lack of interest or enjoyment specifically in regards to the game.

To determine the correct preposition to use in these sentences, it's important to consider the meaning you want to convey.

1. "I am bored with the lecture." - This preposition suggests that you are tired or uninterested while you are experiencing the lecture. It implies a sense of being fed up with the lecture.

2. "I am bored by the lecture." - This preposition implies that the lecture itself is causing you to feel bored. It suggests that the lecture is not engaging or interesting to you.

3. "I am bored at the lecture." - While this construction is grammatically correct, it is not commonly used. It suggests that the location or environment of the lecture is boring to you.

4. "I am bored about the lecture." - This preposition is not commonly used in this context. It might suggest being bored about a specific aspect or topic discussed within the lecture, but it would not typically be used to convey overall boredom.

In terms of usage, the expressions "bored with" and "bored by" are the most commonly used when talking about being bored with something specific like a lecture. The choice between "with" and "by" depends on whether you're emphasizing your own feelings or attributing the boredom to the lecture itself.

Regarding the additional sentences:

5. "The lecture is boring to me." - This construction indicates that the lecture fails to captivate or interest you personally. It suggests that the lecture does not hold your attention or engage you.

6. "The game is boring for me." - Similarly, this construction implies that the game lacks excitement or interest specifically for you. It indicates that you find the game unengaging or uninteresting.

In these sentences, "to" and "for" are commonly used with the verb "boring" to express the recipient of the boredom, highlighting that the experience is subjective to the individual.