Write an expression to describe a rule for the sequence then find the 100th term in the sequence.


A. 4+5n;504••
B. 5n-1;498
C. 5n;500
D. 4n+5;405

Correct me

I'm having trouble on this as well the answer choices is:

I'm still confused


B is 499 not 498
For me at least

anyone have the naswers for 1-22

In any of these kind of problems , n has to be a whole number, that is

n = 1,2,3, ....

My choice would be
term(n) = 5n - 1 , which is the only one that makes
term(1) = 5(1) - 1 = 4

your choice would produce a first term
of 9, which is the second term, not the first

your sequence has
a = 4, d = 5
term(100) = a + 99d
= 4 + 99(5) = 499

the correct choice has to be
term(n) = 5n-1, term(100)= 499

none of the given choices match that, unless you have a typo
notice that terms end in either 4 or 9, so 498 cannot be a term in the sequence

Merry Christmas, they are in different orders.

Just find a sequence for me anything

To find the expression that describes the rule for the given sequence, we can observe that each term in the sequence increases by 5. Therefore, the general form of the expression for the nth term in the sequence can be written as:

5n + a

Where a is the initial term in the sequence.

In this specific case, the initial term is 4, so the expression becomes:

5n + 4

To find the 100th term in the sequence, we substitute n = 100 into the expression:

5(100) + 4 = 500 + 4 = 504

Therefore, the correct expression that describes the rule for the given sequence is 5n + 4, and the 100th term in the sequence is 504.

So, the correct answer is: A. 4+5n; 504