Ling drove at an average speed of 78 km per hour for 45 minutes. She then increased her average speed by 6 kilometers per hour for 20 more minutes before reaching home. Find the total distance Ling traveled.

what is 78km/hr * 45/60hr+6km/nr*20/60?

78*3/4+6*1/3=you do it.

To find the total distance Ling traveled, we need to find the distance she traveled at her first speed and the distance she traveled at her increased speed, and then add them together.

First, let's find the distance Ling traveled at her first speed. To do this, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Since Ling's average speed is 78 km/h and the time she traveled at this speed is 45 minutes, we need to convert the time to hours by dividing it by 60:

Time in hours = 45 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.75 hours

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance at first speed = 78 km/h × 0.75 hours = 58.5 km

Next, let's find the distance Ling traveled at her increased speed. Her increased speed is 78 km/h + 6 km/h = 84 km/h. The time she traveled at this speed is 20 minutes, which is 20 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.33 hours.

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance at increased speed = 84 km/h × 0.33 hours = 27.72 km

Finally, we can find the total distance Ling traveled by adding the distance traveled at her first speed and the distance traveled at her increased speed:

Total distance = Distance at first speed + Distance at increased speed
= 58.5 km + 27.72 km
= 86.22 km

Therefore, the total distance Ling traveled is 86.22 kilometers.

To find the total distance Ling traveled, we need to calculate the distance she traveled during the first 45 minutes and the distance she traveled during the additional 20 minutes.

Step 1: Calculate the distance traveled during the first 45 minutes.
First, we need to convert the 45 minutes to hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 45 minutes is equal to 45/60 = 0.75 hours.
Next, we can calculate the distance traveled during the first 45 minutes using the formula distance = speed * time.

Distance_1 = speed_1 * time_1

Ling's speed during the first 45 minutes is given as 78 km/h. So,

Distance_1 = 78 km/h * 0.75 h
Distance_1 = 58.5 km

Therefore, Ling traveled 58.5 kilometers during the first 45 minutes.

Step 2: Calculate the distance traveled during the additional 20 minutes.
Similar to step 1, we need to convert the additional 20 minutes to hours. 20 minutes is equal to 20/60 = 0.33 hours.
Ling increased her average speed by 6 kilometers per hour, so her speed during the additional 20 minutes is (78 km/h + 6 km/h) = 84 km/h.

Distance_2 = speed_2 * time_2

Distance_2 = 84 km/h * 0.33 h
Distance_2 = 27.72 km

Therefore, Ling traveled 27.72 kilometers during the additional 20 minutes.

Step 3: Calculate the total distance traveled.
To find the total distance, we need to add the distances traveled during the first 45 minutes and the additional 20 minutes.

Total distance = Distance_1 + Distance_2
Total distance = 58.5 km + 27.72 km
Total distance = 86.22 km

Therefore, Ling traveled a total distance of 86.22 kilometers.
