“I Have a Dream” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is an example of what writing style?

A. Persuasive
B. Descriptive
C. Narrative
D. Expository

Not B. and D. I think C.


Is it D?


What was Dr. King's purpose in giving this speech? Why is it still being read so much?

The speech is essentially a sermon. What is the purpose of a sermon?

I went with A. It's correct.

The writing style of "I Have a Dream" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. can be categorized as A. Persuasive.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the characteristics of each writing style:

1. Descriptive writing focuses on providing vivid and detailed descriptions of people, places, or events. "I Have a Dream" does include some descriptive language, but the primary purpose of the speech is not to solely describe something.

2. Expository writing aims to explain or inform the reader about a particular topic or subject in a clear and organized manner. While Dr. King does provide explanations and historical context in his speech, the overall goal is not just to present information, but also to persuade the audience.

3. Narrative writing tells a story or recounts a series of events. Although "I Have a Dream" includes storytelling elements and references to historical events, it is not primarily focused on narrating a specific sequence of events.

4. Persuasive writing aims to convince or persuade the reader or audience to adopt a particular opinion, belief, or course of action. Dr. King's speech is known for its powerful and moving rhetoric, as he attempts to inspire and motivate the audience to support the civil rights movement.

Considering these distinctions, C. Narrative can be eliminated as the correct answer, leaving A. Persuasive as the most appropriate choice to describe the writing style of "I Have a Dream."