Mrs.Unisko made 60 cookies.She sold 2/3 and gave away 3/4.How many did she have left?

this gave me the wrong answer every time 🙄😒☹ī¸

To find out how many cookies Mrs. Unisko had left after selling and giving away some, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find out how many cookies Mrs. Unisko sold.
Mrs. Unisko sold 2/3 of the total cookies. To calculate this, multiply the total number of cookies by 2/3:
Number of cookies sold = (2/3) * 60

Step 2: Calculate how many cookies Mrs. Unisko gave away.
Mrs. Unisko gave away 3/4 of the remaining cookies after selling. To calculate this, subtract the number of sold cookies from the total number of cookies and then multiply by 3/4:
Number of cookies given away = (3/4) * (total number of cookies - number of cookies sold)

Step 3: Determine how many cookies Mrs. Unisko had left.
To find out the number of cookies left, subtract the sum of the sold and given away cookies from the total number of cookies:
Number of cookies left = total number of cookies - (number of cookies sold + number of cookies given away)

Now let's calculate the results:

Step 1: Number of cookies sold = (2/3) * 60 = 40

Step 2: Number of cookies given away = (3/4) * (60 - 40) = (3/4) * 20 = 15

Step 3: Number of cookies left = 60 - (40 + 15) = 60 - 55 = 5

Therefore, Mrs. Unisko has 5 cookies left.

60 * 2/3 = 120/3 = 40

40 * 3/4 = 120/4 = 30

40 - 30 = 10

thank you very much