Which project would have been most likely to be funded under the National Reclamation Act of 1902?

a dam to divert waters to a reservoir

a scientific study to investigate changes in plant life near a river

a national laboratory to develop defense weapons and technology

a visitor center to educate tourists on important natural features

I think it's the d

Isn't is b?



What is the answer than??

Its A

well what is a bozo??

To determine which project would have been most likely to be funded under the National Reclamation Act of 1902, let's explore the act's objectives and purposes.

The National Reclamation Act of 1902, also known as the Reclamation Act, was an important piece of legislation in the United States that aimed to address water scarcity and promote sustainable land development in the West. Its main goal was to fund irrigation projects that would make arid lands fertile and usable for agriculture.

Considering this information, the project most likely to be funded under the National Reclamation Act of 1902 would be a dam to divert waters to a reservoir. This type of project aligns with the act's objective of providing water for irrigation. By constructing a dam, water could be stored in a reservoir and distributed to agricultural lands, enabling the cultivation of otherwise unproductive areas.

While the other options may have their own merits, such as scientific studies, national laboratories, or visitor centers, they do not directly align with the primary purpose of the National Reclamation Act, which was to develop water resources for irrigation.

Therefore, a dam to divert waters to a reservoir would have been the most likely project to receive funding under the National Reclamation Act of 1902.