what's the main theme in Freak the Mighty?

I need to do an essay on this but cant even figure out what the theme is

Author Rodman Philbrick explores several themes in Freak the Mighty. One is that of the Misfit in society. Both of the boys are outcasts because of their outer appearances; Max is abnormally large, while Kevin is diminutive because of his physical deformities.

The main theme in the novel "Freak the Mighty" by Rodman Philbrick is the power of friendship and the importance of embracing one's uniqueness. To identify the main theme, it is helpful to look for recurring ideas, messages, or lessons throughout the story that resonate with the characters and their experiences.

To determine the theme, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book thoroughly: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the major events, character development, and the overall plot.

2. Look for patterns: Identify any recurring ideas, symbols, or scenes in the story. Pay attention to how these elements evolve or progress as the story unfolds.

3. Analyze character motivations: Consider the motives and actions of the main characters. Look for underlying messages or lessons they learn throughout their journey.

4. Explore conflicts and resolutions: Pay attention to the conflicts that the characters face and how they attempt to resolve them. These resolutions often provide insights into the central theme.

In "Freak the Mighty," the theme of friendship and embracing one's uniqueness is exemplified by the bond between Kevin (Freak) and Max (Mighty). Their friendship transcends their physical and social differences, with Kevin's intelligence and Max's physical strength complementing each other.

Additionally, the theme is reinforced through the characters' personal growth and self-acceptance. Max learns to overcome his insecurities and believe in his own capabilities, while Kevin embraces his physical limitations and uses his intellect to overcome obstacles.

By highlighting these elements throughout the story, "Freak the Mighty" demonstrates the significance of friendship and the strength that can be found in embracing one's unique qualities.

Remember, for your essay, it is important to provide evidence from the text, such as specific quotes and examples, to support your interpretation of the theme.