A bus travels 400 Miles in 8 hours how many miles will the bus travel in 2 days

(48 / 8) * 400 = ________ miles

To find out how many miles the bus will travel in 2 days, we need to first determine how many hours are in 2 days. Since there are 24 hours in a day, we multiply 24 by 2 to find that there are 48 hours in 2 days.

Now we can set up a ratio to find out how many miles the bus will travel in 48 hours, given that it travels 400 miles in 8 hours:

400 miles / 8 hours = x miles / 48 hours

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 48:

(400 miles / 8 hours) * 48 hours = x miles

On the left side, 8 hours and 48 hours cancel out, leaving:

400 miles * 6 = x miles

Now we can calculate the answer:

400 miles * 6 = 2400 miles

Therefore, the bus will travel 2400 miles in 2 days.