1) What conclusion can you draw about the comparative advantages other countries have in farming over Japan and the Koreas?

2) What conclusion can you draw about the government's influence on daily life in North Korea? Explain your reasoning.

My answer:
North Korea has an unlimited government, therefore it is communist. The government greatly controls the people. They don't have much freedom. The government chooses their jobs and owns all the lands and businesses. Also, you cannot quit a job whenever you want. Furthermore, people can't freely oppose the government, if they do they are punished. Also, even if they are forced to do something they don't want to, they still have to give money to the government.

Can someone please check my answer??? I'm not really sure about what to write for number 1. Please help, thanks! (=

Ok thanks Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Sammy.

For question 1) What conclusion can you draw about the comparative advantages other countries have in farming over Japan and the Koreas?

To answer this question, you would need to compare and analyze the advantages that other countries have in farming compared to Japan and the Koreas. Here are some steps to guide you in finding an answer:

1. Research: Start by researching the agricultural sectors of different countries in order to identify their specific advantages. Consider factors such as climate, soil quality, availability of water resources, technology, agricultural practices, infrastructure, and government policies that support farming.

2. Identify key advantages: Look for patterns and differences in the advantages each country possesses. For example, one country might have large amounts of arable land, while another might have advanced irrigation systems or a focus on organic farming techniques.

3. Compare with Japan and the Koreas: Once you have gathered information about other countries, compare their advantages with those of Japan and the Koreas. Look for similarities and differences that will allow you to draw conclusions.

4. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about the comparative advantages of other countries over Japan and the Koreas in farming. You might find that certain countries have a more favorable climate for agriculture, while others have advanced technologies that enhance productivity. Be specific and provide evidence to support your conclusions.

Remember, it is important to back up your conclusions with evidence from your research. It's also a good idea to double-check your findings with reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

Regarding question 2) What conclusion can you draw about the government's influence on daily life in North Korea? Explain your reasoning:

Your explanation regarding North Korea's government influence on daily life is partially correct. However, it seems to lack some depth and could benefit from further elaboration. Here are some suggested steps to improve your answer and reasoning:

1. Research on North Korea's political system: Start by researching the nature of North Korea's political system. Understand that North Korea is a totalitarian regime with a strong emphasis on oppressive control by the government.

2. Identify key aspects of government influence: Explore how the North Korean government impacts various aspects of daily life for its citizens. This could include government-controlled media, restrictions on freedom of speech and movement, limitations on access to information, government-imposed ideology, government surveillance, and control over economic activities.

3. Analyze daily life in North Korea: Based on your research, analyze how the government's control affects the everyday lives of North Korean citizens. Consider aspects such as education, employment, housing, healthcare, and personal freedoms. Explore how the government's influence shapes these areas and restricts individual autonomy.

4. Provide reasoning and evidence: In your answer, provide reasoning for your conclusions by referencing specific examples or evidence from your research. Consider discussing cases of human rights abuses, lack of political freedom, restrictions on international communication, and the government's monopolization of resources.

By following these steps, your answer will be more comprehensive and well-supported. It is always important to ensure that you verify your information with reliable sources to enhance the accuracy of your response.

Your answer for 2 looks good.

Look at the physical geography of Japan and the Koreas. Do they have a lot of flat land?

Thanks! Well, a lot of Japan and South Korea is mountainous, with lots of forests...so I'm thinking not much flat land...

Only about 11.64% of Japan's land mass is suitable for agriculture I believe.

Also, only about 16.58% of South Korea's land mass is suitable for agriculture.

Yes! Well-researched answers!

Most other countries have much more land available for farming.

i need help with the soical studies