what does sojourn mean as it is used in the following lines from act III,Scene 3,in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet?

Friar:Go hence;good night!and here stands all your state:Either be gone before the watch be set, Or by the break of day disguis'd from hence. Sojurn in Mantua; I'll find out your man,And he shall signify from time to time Every good hap to you that chances here:Give me thy hand;'tis late; farewell;good night.


My answer is A. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh, so it's D. sorry

its d. stay.


D. stay

very wrong lol. D.

Yes, the correct answer is D. stay. In this context, sojourn means to stay temporarily or reside for a period of time.

Your answer is correct! In the given context, the word "sojourn" means to stay or reside temporarily. The lines from the play suggest that Friar Laurence is advising Romeo to leave Verona and stay in Mantua for a while until the situation resolves. The correct answer is indeed A) live or stay. Well done!

