why were you instructed to add distilled water in step 12, and possibly more distilled water in step 15? what purpose does the water serve?

In step 12, adding distilled water may be instructed in a specific context, such as a particular procedure or recipe. To provide a more accurate response, please provide the details of the specific situation you are referring to.

In general, distilled water is often used in various applications due to its purity. Here are some potential purposes for adding distilled water:

Step 12: Adding Distilled Water
- Dilution: It can be used to dilute substances, such as in chemical experiments or medical procedures.
- Solvent: Distilled water can act as a solvent when mixing certain solutions or substances.
- Hydration: In some cases, distilled water is added to maintain or improve the hydration levels of a product or solution.

Step 15: Adding More Distilled Water
- Consistency: Adding more distilled water may help achieve the desired consistency or texture of a mixture, such as in baking or cooking recipes.
- Balance: It could be necessary to maintain or adjust the concentration or balance of ingredients for optimal performance or desired results.

Remember, the specific reason for adding distilled water can vary depending on the context or instructions provided in the specific situation you are referring to.

In order to answer your question, I would need more context or information about the specific instructions you are referring to. However, I can provide you with a general explanation of why distilled water might be used in certain situations.

Distilled water is often used in various processes or experiments because it lacks impurities and minerals that can affect the results. Here are a couple of common reasons why distilled water may be used:

1. Dilution: Distilled water acts as a neutral solvent and is commonly used to dilute substances, such as chemicals or solutions, to ensure accurate measurements and maintain consistency in the experimental setup.

2. Cleaning: Distilled water is often used for cleaning glassware, equipment, or surfaces since it doesn't leave behind any mineral deposits. This helps to prevent contamination and ensures the purity of subsequent steps in an experiment.

Please provide more details about the specific steps or experiment you are referring to, so I can offer a more accurate explanation.

What steps? Make sure you include ALL steps/instructions/information!

Thank you!