You dissolve 6g of Co(ClO4)2 (molar mass: 257.83) in 1 liter of water. Assuming the entire sample dissolves, how many individual perchlorate ions are present in this solution?

I'm so lost where to start.


Co(ClO4)2 ==> Co^2+ + 2ClO4^-

You know 1 mole of anything contains 6.02E23 molecules. So how many moles do you have of this stuff. mols = grams/molar mas so
mols = 6/257.83 = ?

So ? x 6.02E23 = number of molecules of Co(ClO4)2. You want to know ClO4^-. There are two of those for every 1 Co(ClO4)2 so there are twice as many of the ClO4^-.

Okay so moles= .0233

Did I get it?

To determine the number of individual perchlorate ions present in the solution, we need to use the concept of moles and Avogadro's number. Avogadro's number represents the number of atoms or molecules in one mole of a substance, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23.

To find the number of moles of Co(ClO4)2, we divide the mass of the compound by its molar mass:

Number of moles = Mass (g) / Molar mass (g/mol)

In this case, the mass of Co(ClO4)2 is given as 6g, and the molar mass is 257.83 g/mol.

Number of moles = 6g / 257.83 g/mol

Now, calculate the number of moles and you will find that it is approximately 0.023 mol.

Since Co(ClO4)2 dissociates in water into Co2+ and ClO4- ions, we know that there is a 1:2 stoichiometric ratio between Co(ClO4)2 and ClO4- ions. This means that for every 1 mol of Co(ClO4)2 dissolved, we will have 2 moles of ClO4- ions.

Therefore, we can double the number of moles obtained to find the number of moles of ClO4- ions:

Number of moles of ClO4- ions = 2 x Number of moles of Co(ClO4)2

Number of moles of ClO4- ions = 2 x 0.023 mol

Now calculate the number of moles of ClO4- ions and you will find that it is approximately 0.046 mol.

Finally, to find the number of individual perchlorate ions, we multiply the number of moles of ClO4- ions by Avogadro's number:

Number of individual perchlorate ions = Number of moles of ClO4- ions x Avogadro's number

Number of individual perchlorate ions = 0.046 mol x 6.022 x 10^23/mol

Calculate this expression and you will find that there are approximately 2.769 x 10^22 individual perchlorate ions present in the solution.