What is the largest whole number that will round up or down to 900900900 if we're rounding to the nearest hundred

That is the largest whole number rounded to the nearest hundred.

900900949 will round down to 900900900

anything larger will round up to 900901000

To find the largest whole number that will round up or down to 900900900 when rounding to the nearest hundred, we need to understand how rounding works.

When rounding to the nearest hundred, we look at the value of the tens digit. If the tens digit is 5 or greater, we round up to the next hundred. If the tens digit is 4 or less, we round down to the previous hundred.

Let's analyze the number 900900900:

- The tens digit is 0, which is less than 5. So if any whole number rounds to 900900900 when rounding to the nearest hundred, it must be rounded down.

To find the largest whole number, we need to determine the next lower hundred value before 900900900. In this case, the next lower hundred would be 900900800.

Therefore, the largest whole number that will round up or down to 900900900 when rounding to the nearest hundred is 900900800.