Local, state, and provincial governments may have specific regulations that apply to the physical space in a day care center. A typical requirement in these regulations is a minimum of _______ square feet of usable play space for each child.

A. 35
B. 24
C. 10
D. 18

What does your text say? I found various numbers online.


To determine the minimum square footage of usable play space required for each child in a day care center, you need to refer to the regulations set by local, state, and provincial governments. These regulations can vary, so it's important to consult the specific guidelines applicable to your area.

To find the answer, you can do the following:

1. Search for the specific regulations of your local, state, or provincial government regarding day care centers. These regulations are usually available on the government's official website or can be obtained from the relevant department responsible for child care.

2. Look for the section that provides information on the requirements for physical space in day care centers. It may be mentioned under terms like "facility standards," "physical space requirements," or "space guidelines."

3. Within that section, you will likely find a minimum square footage requirement for usable play space per child. This could be expressed either as an absolute number (e.g., 35 square feet) or as a ratio (e.g., 10 square feet per child).

4. Once you have obtained the information, you can compare it to the options provided in the question and select the correct answer.

Please note that the specific square footage requirement for usable play space may vary depending on the age of the children (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, etc.) and other factors. So, it's essential to refer to the regulations relevant to your jurisdiction.