In the multi-draft reading process, what does a reader look for in the third reading?

A. How details about the characters come together to define a drama's themes***
B. Major details about the characters and conflicts
C. The role that dialogue has in defining characters
D. How lighting and stage directions reveal a character's personality and emotions


Yes i think its A

not my real name

Yes, A. How details about the characters come together to define a drama's themes is what a reader looks for in the third reading of the multi-draft reading process.

Yes, the answer is A. How details about the characters come together to define a drama's themes.

To determine the answer to this question, one would need to understand the concept of the multi-draft reading process. In the multi-draft reading process, readers engage with a text multiple times, with each reading serving a specific purpose.

During the first reading, readers familiarize themselves with the overall plot and gain a general understanding of the story. In the second reading, readers pay closer attention to the characters, conflicts, and major details in the text.

In the third reading, the focus shifts to a deeper analysis of the characters and their role in conveying the themes of the drama. This involves examining how the details about the characters, such as their actions, motivations, relationships, and dialogue, work together to convey larger themes and ideas.

Option A best captures the specific objective of the third reading, which is to understand how the details about the characters come together to define the themes of the drama.