Formal writing shows writers’ critical thinking.

Help me to understand the subject, verb and object in this sentence.

The verb is SHOWS.

To find the subject, ask what shows.

The object is a noun or pronoun that follows the verb. It answers the question what or whom after the verb.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

Formal is the subject

Verb is shows

Objects is thinking

please check my answers.

Formal is an adjective; it can't be the subject.

The other two are right.

Subject writers'

Object writing
Verb thinking
is this correct

Sure! Understanding the subject, verb, and object in a sentence is crucial in determining its structure and meaning.

In the sentence, "Formal writing shows writers' critical thinking," the subject is "Formal writing". The subject is usually the noun or noun phrase that performs the action or is being described in the sentence.

The verb is "shows" which is the action happening in the sentence. It tells us what the subject is doing or the state it is in.

The object is "writers' critical thinking". The object is usually the noun or noun phrase that receives the action of the verb or is affected by it.

To identify the subject, verb, and object in a sentence, you can ask yourself the following questions:

- Who or what is the sentence about? (Subject)
- What is the action or condition being described in the sentence? (Verb)
- Who or what is being affected by the action or condition? (Object)

Remember, not every sentence will have a clear object, and some sentences may have multiple subjects or objects depending on their complexity.