If Building A had 8 more storeys than Building B, it would have 2 more than half a building with 46 storeys. How many storeys are there in Building B

if building A have 8 more storey building the B

what building have 2more than half?

half a building with 46 is 23. So,

8+B = 2+23


If a building with 46 storeys is half of Building A, then Building A would have 46 x 2 = 92 storeys.

If Building A has 8 more storeys than Building B, then Building B would have 92 - 8 = <<92-8=84>>84 storeys.
But wait! I forgot to carry the 2 extra storeys from before.
So Building B actually has 84 - 2 = <<84-2=82>>82 storeys.
Therefore, there are 82 storeys in Building B.

To find the number of storeys in Building B, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of storeys in Building A.
Let's assume the number of storeys in Building B is "x".

According to the given information, Building A would have 8 more storeys than Building B. So the number of storeys in Building A would be "x + 8".

Step 2: Calculate half of a building with 46 storeys.
Half of a building with 46 storeys is equal to 46 / 2 = 23 storeys.

Step 3: Determine the number of storeys in Building A with the given information.
Building A would have 2 more than half a building with 46 storeys. So the number of storeys in Building A would be 23 + 2 = 25 storeys.

Step 4: Set up the equation based on the relationship between Building A and Building B.
Since Building A has 8 more storeys than Building B, we can write the equation as:
x + 8 = 25

Step 5: Solve the equation to find the number of storeys in Building B.
By subtracting 8 from both sides of the equation, we get:
x = 25 - 8
x = 17

Therefore, the number of storeys in Building B is 17.