simplify radical 0.16

radical = square root

B is .08 not 0.8

We'll be glad to check your answer.

my answer is .08

That's not what my calculator says.

......what does it say

my other options are 0.04 or 0.4

thx ms.sue

You're welcome. Next time you have a square root problem, you know what to do, right?

To simplify the square root of 0.16, you can express it as the square root of the perfect square that is a factor of 0.16. In this case, the perfect square that divides evenly into 0.16 is 0.04.

So, to simplify, the square root of 0.16 is equal to the square root of 0.04 multiplied by the square root of 4.

The square root of 0.04 is 0.2, and the square root of 4 is 2. Therefore, the simplified form is:

0.2 * 2 = 0.4

So, the simplified radical of 0.16 is A. 0.4.