How are cohesion and adhesion properties of water linked to photosynthesis

Photosynthesis requires water

Cohesion holds hydrogen bonds together to create surface tension on water.since water is attracted to other molecules, adhesive forces pull the water towards other molecules.

The cohesion and adhesion properties of water are linked to photosynthesis through the process of water transport in plants. Let me explain how.

Cohesion refers to the attraction between water molecules, causing them to stick together. Adhesion, on the other hand, refers to the attraction between water molecules and other substances, such as the walls of plant cells or the xylem tissues in plants.

During photosynthesis, plants use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, specifically in the mesophyll cells found in the leaves.

To carry out photosynthesis, plants need a constant supply of water. Water is absorbed by the roots and travels up through the plant to the leaves. This upward movement of water against gravity is known as water transport or water uptake.

Cohesion plays a crucial role in this process. The cohesion between water molecules allows them to form a continuous column or chain inside the xylem vessels of plants. As water evaporates from the leaves through tiny pores called stomata, a pull or tension is created in the water column. This is known as transpiration pull.

Now, the adhesion between water molecules and the walls of the xylem vessels helps to counterbalance the force of gravity and ensure the upward movement of water. This adhesion allows water to stick to the xylem vessels' walls and prevents the water column from breaking.

Furthermore, the cohesion and adhesion properties of water also help in the movement of water within plant cells. Water moves from the soil, through the root cells, and eventually reaches the mesophyll cells in the leaves. The cohesion between water molecules and the adhesion between water and cell walls facilitate the transport of water within the plant.

So, in summary, the cohesion and adhesion properties of water enable the transport of water from the roots to the leaves, providing plants with the necessary water supply for photosynthesis. Without these properties, water uptake and movement would be significantly hindered, impacting the plants' ability to perform photosynthesis effectively.