Write pseudocode and algorithm, flow chart to enter name city country age and print them.

The criteria for eligibility are that the citizen must be 18 or older and must not be a convicted felon

Sure! Here's a pseudocode, algorithm, and a flowchart to enter a person's name, city, country, and age, and then print them:

1. Initialize variables: name, city, country, and age.
2. Read input for name, city, country, and age.
3. Print the values of name, city, country, and age.

1. Start
2. Declare variables: name, city, country, and age
3. Read name from input
4. Read city from input
5. Read country from input
6. Read age from input
7. Print name
8. Print city
9. Print country
10. Print age
11. End

| Start |
| Read name, city, country, |
| and age |
| Print name, city, |
| country, and age |
| End |

Note: Make sure to use appropriate programming language syntax while implementing this pseudocode and algorithm in an actual programming code.