Aiden is 12 years older than Tim.

Mical is 4 times older than Tim.

Do you have a question?

thier ages add up to 102.

How old is each person?

Let T = Tim's age.

T + T + 12 + 4T = 102

6T = 90

T = 15

To solve this problem, we can start by assigning variables to each person's age. Let's say Tim's age is represented by the variable "T."

According to the information provided, Aiden is 12 years older than Tim, so we can represent Aiden's age as: T + 12.

Mical is 4 times older than Tim, so we can represent Mical's age as: 4T.

Now, let's use this information to find the value of each variable.

Since Aiden is 12 years older than Tim, we can set up an equation: Aiden's age (T + 12) equals Tim's age plus 12 (T + 12 = T + 12).

Similarly, Mical's age is 4 times older than Tim, so we can set up another equation: Mical's age (4T) equals Tim's age (T) multiplied by 4 (4T = 4T).

By solving these two equations, we can find the value of T, which represents Tim's age.

T + 12 = T + 12
4T = 4T

Since both equations are identities, it means that the value of T can be any number. This means we don't have enough information to determine the specific ages of Aiden, Mical, or Tim.

However, if we are given a specific value for Tim's age, we can then calculate the ages of Aiden and Mical using the equations we established.