An automobile manufacturing plant produces cars according to a fixed pattern. During one day, the first five cars have the following colors and equipment.

blue with a stereo and dark interior
white with a stereo and.light interior-
green without a stereo and with light.interior
brown without a stereo and with a dark interior
blue without a stereo and with a light interior
What colors will the sixth and seventh cars have?

To determine the colors and equipment of the sixth and seventh cars, we need to understand the pattern followed by the manufacturing plant. Let's examine the given information:

First Car: blue with a stereo and dark interior
Second Car: white with a stereo and light interior
Third Car: green without a stereo and with light interior
Fourth Car: brown without a stereo and with a dark interior
Fifth Car: blue without a stereo and with a light interior

Looking closely at the pattern, we can observe the following:

1. The cars' colors seem to alternate between blue and white.
2. The cars with a stereo have light interiors, while cars without a stereo have dark interiors.
3. Each color (blue and white) appears consecutively only once before switching.

Based on this pattern, we can determine the colors and equipment of the sixth and seventh cars:

Sixth Car: Following the alternating color pattern, the sixth car should be white. Using the equipment pattern, since the previous car had no stereo, the sixth car should have a stereo. Hence, the sixth car will be white with a stereo.

Seventh Car: Again following the alternating color pattern, the seventh car should be blue. Referring to the equipment pattern, as the sixth car had a stereo, the seventh car should not have a stereo. Thus, the seventh car will be blue without a stereo.

Therefore, the sixth car will be white with a stereo, and the seventh car will be blue without a stereo.